
Shift your limiting beliefs

How to Change Limiting Beliefs

Changing Limiting Beliefs through Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™):

NLP, founded by Richard Bandler, offers practical techniques to transform the way you think, perceive past events, and approach life. Unlike psychoanalysis, NLP focuses on the ‘how’ rather than the ‘why,’ allowing you to take control of your mind and life.

NLP helps you understand how verbal and non-verbal communication impacts the brain and how automatic functions of our neurology can be altered. 

This has various applications in changing habits and patterns, personal development, overcoming phobias, and managing anxiety. Notably, even celebrities like Robbie Williams use NLP to overcome performance nerves.

Unconscious Limiting Beliefs can be addressed through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT):

EFT, developed by Gary Craig can work as a first aid tool for dealing with pain, anxiety and distress as well as for deeper healing. 

It’s a combination of accupressure, NLP, and a few other techniques that involve tapping on certain points on the body in a sequence, while making a structured series of affirmations or statements about the issue one is working on. 

Through tapping, we are able to release stuck emotions in the energy meridians and create positive change. It has been known to help with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, stress, weight loss issues and other problems.

Limiting Beliefs

Mindfulness for Challenging Unconscious Limiting Beliefs: 

One of the pillars of Positive Psychology is Mindfulness. As defined by mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn, “mindfulness is purposefully paying attention to thoughts and emotions without judgement. It is really about living experiencing life in the moment”.

This is a form of active meditation where one is consciously witnessing the thoughts and emotions arising in the mind and body. 

This helps to develop awareness of how our thoughts trigger emotions and we can identify behaviour patterns that are on auto-pilot. With practice we can learn how to stay present and take wise action even when the situation is pushing our buttons. 

Psych‑K for Changing Limiting Beliefs: 

PSYCH‑K is a self-help tool developed by Robert M. Williams in 1988. It is a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging. 

The PSYCH‑K program was designed to help people change the way they feel, behave and interact in life by changing beliefs that limit their self-esteem, relationships, job performance, and even physical health.

PSYCH‑K is a proven form of energy psychology. It uses simple, pain-free, and easy processes to put you in a “Whole-Brain State.” Neuroscientists also believe this leads to higher levels of consciousness.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to Challenge Limiting Beliefs: 

CBT is based on the idea that internal thoughts — not external environments — trigger people’s emotions and behaviours (NACBT, 2014). 

It offers a root-based clinical approach to identify the connections between our thoughts, actions and patterns of behaviour. 

The process involves asking a lot of questions about the thoughts and beliefs one has, leading to identification of harmful beliefs that cause problems in their life. 

CBT therapy enables us to identify and change our thought patterns, thereby helping us reprogram our behaviour in the face of adverse situations.

Byron Katie (The Work) 

“The Work” is a method of inquiry born directly out of Byron Katie’s experience. This is a practice of inquiry that allows you to access the wisdom that already exists within you. 

Using a sequence of few questions you interrogate reality , allowing room for another perspective and changing the way you perceive things and life.

It’s a mindfulness practice for everyday life – begin by noticing who or what pushes your buttons to become angry, sad or upset. 

Select an instance and delve deeper into that. Make notes and write down these thoughts without judgement. Isolate and question one thought – allow for insights and answers to arise. 

Turn it around and find the opposite of that thought – which thought is truer now, this one or the original? 

The more you do “The Work” the easier it is to drop into stillness and be a witness.

Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy to Address Unconscious Limiting Beliefs: 


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was developed by Dolores Cannon, who in her career spanning almost 50 years, became a significant voice and pioneer in past life regression. Dolores passed away in 2014, yet her teachings are continuing to help millions of people worldwide.

 By connecting with the Subconscious or you may refer to it as the “Oversoul”, the “Higher Self” or the “Higher Consciousness” – powerful, transformative healing can take place. QHHT works by accessing a great and powerful part of our subconscious selves for remarkable life guidance and also physical and emotional healing. 

The technique induces you into the deepest of trancelike states, taking you into the furthest corners of your psyche where you can visit latent emotional traumas that have been locked away for any number of years, often dating back to previous lifetimes.

 QHHT helps find answers and healing for various physical (diagnosed and un-diagnosed) and emotional concerns, life events, life questions and decisions, spiritual development and guidance, soul insights, life purpose and past life regression. 

During this process of exploration, you gain incredible insight; putting pieces of the puzzle together which have been missing. 

Through this process, old blockages can be released and healing can occur on an emotional, spiritual, physical and mental level.

Theta Healing to Transform Unconscious Limiting Beliefs: 

Theta Healing founded by Vianna Stibal is a unique method – it is scientific as well as spiritual. This method begins with identifying the core limiting belief that is causing the current physical, emotional, financial, relationship issue that one wants to overcome. 

Using a protocol devised by Stibal, the practitioner is able to discover beliefs in the subconscious mind, understand why they were created and transform them to supportive ones. 

The  method relies on a patient entering the theta brainwave stage, which is normally experienced prior to waking up from sleep or shortly before entering sleep. 

This is a very powerful transformation technique that can help one achieve success in all areas of life. It can be done in person as well as remotely. You can find out more here. 

I have been on a serious quest for the best method of removing limiting beliefs and contrary to what I have been told during my psychology studies, changing beliefs does not need to be hard, nor needs a lot of time. 

My favourite method is Theta Healing and I am proud to say that I am a Certified Theta Healing Practitioner. This gentle, meditative-state practice is a great self-discovery as well as healing tool. It helped me overcome my limitations and limiting beliefs and my clients find it incredibly effective in removing anxiety, getting clarity and shifting beliefs that keep them stuck. 

If you would like to book a session with me, go here.

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Limiting Beliefs

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