
reading is everything


“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”Confucius
Finding Love
Kasia Richter

Why Is Dating So Hard Nowadays? Reasons and Solutions for Modern Daters

If you’ve ever wondered why dating feels like climbing Mount Everest without a map, you’re definitely not alone. Today’s dating scene can feel like navigating a maze where the walls keep shifting. With the rise of technology and changing social norms, dating now involves a complex blend of digital interactions and real-world encounters, making it more intricate than

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Burnout Recovery
Ola Machnicka

Exhausted and Overwhelmed: CEO Burnout and Strategies for Recovery from Executive Burnout

In the high-stakes world of business leadership, CEOs are under immense pressure to perform, innovate, and lead their companies to success. But what happens when the relentless pace and responsibility take their toll, leading to CEO burnout? Recognizing the signs of burnout, understanding its causes, and knowing how to effectively recover and recharge are critical

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Relaxation techniques
Kasia Richter

Unlocking Inner Peace: Exploring the Power of Gong Bath Meditation and Sound Healing

In a world where the pressure to excel constantly looms over ambitious working women and small business owners, stress and anxiety are common. Whether it’s meeting tight deadlines, juggling multiple projects, or managing a team — all while trying to maintain some semblance of personal life — finding a moment of tranquility can seem like a rare luxury. Gong bath meditation offers a respite

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Burnout Prevention
Kasia Richter

What’s the Point of a 1‑Day Urban Retreat?

Imagine if you could press pause on the city’s relentless rhythm, just for a day. Imagine a space where the cacophony of your relentless schedule turns into a harmonious symphony of self-care. This is the essence of the “Health & Wealth” London Urban Retreat — a sanctuary where, in just one day, the transformative power of well-being is both discovered and

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Burnout Prevention
Kasia Richter

Overcoming Burnout: Practical Tips for Executives in High-Pressure Roles

From this article, you will learn: What causes  burnout in high-pressure roles What are the signs and symptoms of Executive Burnout What is the impact of burnout on executives and their organisations How to overcome burnout Overcoming Burnout: A Crisis in High-Pressure Roles Overcoming burnout isn’t easy, but it is doable! As someone who’s been through burnout,

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Burnout Prevention
Kasia Richter

Wellbeing retreats: The Solution for Busy Executives to Manage Stress and Prevent Burnout

From this article, you will learn: What are the wellbeing retreats How to choose a right retreat for you What to Expect at a Wellbeing Strategist’s Retreat How to make the most of a wellbeing retreat How attending a wellbeing retreat can impact your business Are you a busy executive feeling overwhelmed and in need of a refreshing escape? Wellbeing retreats could be

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Burnout Prevention
Kasia Richter

When Executives Can’t Switch Off

When Executives Can’t Switch Off: Navigating the Challenge of Relaxing The problem with switching off As a psychologist observing today’s relentless business landscape, I’ve spotted a troubling trend – executives and entrepreneurs who simply cannot disconnect from their work, even during vacation. The stats tell it all: 80% of leaders report feeling shackled to their roles, unable

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Executive Burnout
Kasia Richter

How to Manage Stress: The Executive’s Guide

From this article, you will learn: What is the projected market value of the global workplace stress management market by 2028? How many executives actively seek strategies to reduce stress and enhance work-life balance? What are some common stress management techniques recommended for busy executives? How does the “Happy CEO“program support executives in implementing stress management techniques

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Burnout Prevention
Chris Savulescu

How to Prevent Executive Burnout: Sustainable Work-Life Balance

How to Prevent Executive Burnout Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or unproductive at work? You might be experiencing burnout – a common yet serious challenge in today’s fast-paced world.  This occupational syndrome, defined by the World Health Organization, consists of emotional exhaustion, negativity, and professional inefficacy.  But don’t worry – there’s hope for reversal. Even better news is

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Burnout Prevention
Chris Savulescu

The Impact of Executive Burnout on Business Performance

A Deloitte study shows that around 70% of high-level executives are seriously considering quitting their jobs, largely due to help with their emotional well-being. Table of Contents  What is executive burnout and how is it relevant to business performance? Executive burnout refers to a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion experienced by high-level executives, such

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Executive Burnout
Chris Savulescu

How to Identify and Fight Burnout: A Guide for Small Business Owners & Executives

As a successful executive who runs a business day and night, you have achieved financial success and a lifestyle that many can envy. However, with that success comes responsibility and pressure, which can lead to executive burnout. Burnout is not just stress or exhaustion, but a more severe condition that affects your physical and mental health, relationships, and overall

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Kasia Richter

3 Beliefs Undermining Your Success

Uncovering the Root Causes of Burnout. Unmask 3 Beliefs Undermining Your Success! Burnout can be caused by unaddressed beliefs that are setting us up for failure. Explore the 3 most common self-sabotaging mindsets to spot warning signs and prevent burnout in your life! As modern women, we are expected to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities at once. We

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Kasia Richter

End Of Year Burnout

The Harsh Reality Of End-Of-Year Burnout From this article your will learn:  What causes end-of-year burnout How many people experience it in the UK How to recognise its symptoms What to do when you are experiencing Holiday Fatigue It’s no surprise that the end of year can be a stressful time for entrepreneurs. Between family and social obligations,

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Kasia Richter

Create your own destiny

Want to be happier and more successful? It starts by taking responsibility for your own wellbeing. Learn how to build inner strength and self-belief in this article.

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Executive Burnout
Kasia Richter

What Burnout and Chronic Fatigue Really Are

What Burnout and Chronic Fatigue Really Are And How To Tell The Difference We live in a world where it’s almost expected to be constantly busy and productive, but when do you know if it’s time to take a step back? When is the difference between being overloaded with work and having genuine burnout? It’s important to

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Kasia Richter

5 steps to keep your brain young and healthy

Keep your brain young and healthy From this article you will learn: how to take ownership of your brain health, that a lot of mental dysfunctions and diseases such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder can be prevented, Simple ways to keep your brain healthy and rescue it from a downward spiral. A good life is the single greatest

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Kasia Richter

Making sense of work-life balance

Making sense of work-life balance From this article you will learn: how to increase your wellbeing without neglecting your work what happens when you lack work-life balance how I was building happy & healthy life while pursuing my career Understanding work-life balance It’s time to start planning our work around our lives, not the other way round. Sadly, for the

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holistic psychology
Kasia Richter

Create the year you want in 2022. Be successful and happy. Here is how.

How you can create the life you want in 2022   From this article you will learn: How to set yourself for a personal and a wellbeing success in 2022 How to replace New Years Resolutions 3 questions that will help you create the year of joy and fulfillment The beginning of the New Year is a time for reflection, for

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holistic psychology
Kasia Richter

My top 5 Wellbeing Hacks to support your immune system naturally

My Top 5 Wellbeing Hacks To Support Your Immune System Naturally From this article you will learn: the signs that your immune system needs a boost what is an immune system and how it impacts your functioning 5 ways I support my immune system naturally Does your immune system need a boost?  Signs of a weak immune system include frequent cold,

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Kasia Richter

How To Separate Work From Home When Working Remotely

How To Separate Work From Home When Working Remotely The pandemic has caused companies to quickly shift to remote work. While many may be struggling to adjust to working from home, managers and leaders have additional challenges to face that can blur the lines between work and personal life. A good work-life balance can help

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Limiting Beliefs
holistic psychology
Kasia Richter

Shift your limiting beliefs

How to Change Limiting Beliefs Changing Limiting Beliefs through Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™): NLP, founded by Richard Bandler, offers practical techniques to transform the way you think, perceive past events, and approach life. Unlike psychoanalysis, NLP focuses on the ‘how’ rather than the ‘why,’ allowing you to take control of your mind and life. NLP helps you

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Kasia Richter

The Dangers of workaholism and Impact on Your Life

The Dangers of workaholism and Impact on Your Life From article you will learn: How to recognise a workaholic Why workaholism is dangerous 9 ways workaholism impacts your life in a physical and psychological way Are you a workaholic? Self-reflection questions. Table of Contents  Appearances can be deceptive With all the glamour of the Corporate dream, workaholism and busyness became

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Burnout Prevention
Kasia Richter

9 strategies to relieve stress in leadership roles

9 Strategies to Relieve Stress in Leadership Roles  There’s an interesting saying – A Diamond is a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well! Stress is inevitable and unavoidable in a leadership role. Well, there are people like Elon Musk and Richard Branson who are in leadership roles and can manage stress pretty well and scale to

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Kasia Richter

What drives your wealth and happiness? Learn more about wellbeing

From this article you will learn: what is wellbeing  how to recognize wellbeing what creates wellbeing for high achievers how wellbeing contributes to work and life of busy leaders?  what is your level of wellbeing (quiz)  What is wellbeing ?   When we ask about someone’s Well-Being – what do we really mean? Is it merely the

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Online meetings
Career Development
Kasia Richter

5 Brutal Truths About Running Online Business Meetings Effectively

5 Brutal Truths About Running Online Business Meetings Effectively   From this article you will learn: how to run great online business meetings, saving time and energy; what the most common mistakes in running and participating in online business meetings are; what people hate about virtual meetings; what can make you loose your credibility during an

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Career Development
Kasia Richter

Feel unbeatable while facing job uncertainty

Master your mind space before you look for a job. “What will I do now?”, How will I pay the bills?, What if I never find a job that I love?, How will I ever explain this period of unemployment to future employers? These are the questions thousands of pilots and cabin crew who were laid off or are facing unknown future

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Pay attention to your skills
Career Development
Kasia Richter

The most desired skill in 2021

What is the most desired skill in 2021? From this article you will learn: what skills do you need in 2021 in order to successfully thrive what is ambiguity tolerance, who needs it and why is it important what are factors impacting ambiguity tolerance how ambiguity tolerance affects your wellbeing With the level of your knowledge, it is

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Managing Stress as a CEO: How To Avoid the Pressure and Strain of Leading

Becoming a CEO is often seen as the pinnacle of professional success, but with this prestigious role comes a significant amount of stress. The pressure to lead an organization to success while balancing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders can be overwhelming. Knowing how to manage stress effectively is crucial for CEOs to perform at their best,

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Mastering Mindfulness: Tips, Exercises, and Wellbeing Strategies for Every Mind

In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions abound and stress levels are high, mastering mindfulness has become increasingly important for maintaining mental well-being. Mindfulness, often associated with meditation and being present in the moment, offers a powerful tool for enhancing overall quality of life and managing emotional and mental health effectively. What is Mindfulness and Why is

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Burnout Prevention
Ola Machnicka

Exploring the Benefits of Sound Therapy for Mental Health and Wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health and wellbeing are more important than ever. One increasingly popular method to enhance mental and physical health is sound therapy. This innovative form of treatment harnesses the power of sound and music to encourage relaxation, reduce stress, and promote overall mental clarity. From ancient practices to modern applications, sound

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Navigating signs of executive burnout: Strategies to avoid burnout among executives

Executive burnout is becoming increasingly prominent in the fast-paced world of senior leadership. Experiencing overwhelming pressure and long hours can bring even the most resilient individuals to their breaking point. Recognizing the signs of executive burnout and implementing effective strategies for managing stress is vital for personal well-being and organizational success. This article will explore

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Ola Machnicka

Unlocking the Power of Sound Healing: What You Need to Know

Sound healing is a powerful practice that harnesses the therapeutic benefits of sound vibrations to promote overall well-being. By utilizing various sound therapy techniques, individuals can experience physical, mental, and emotional healing. This article delves into the world of sound healing, exploring its origins, benefits, different types, and practical ways to incorporate it into daily life. Introduction

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Recover from Burnout: Essential Steps to Overcome Work Stress and Find Balance

The modern work environment, with its high demands and constant connectivity, has made burnout a widespread issue. Knowing how to recover from burnout and find a sustainable work-life balance is essential for maintaining not only productivity but also overall well-being. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the signs of burnout, the recovery process, and proactive steps

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Welcome to Your Urban Oasis: Transforming Your Home into a Tranquil Retreat

In the midst of a bustling city life, the concept of an urban oasis is more appealing than ever. It represents a tranquil haven within the concrete jungle, where relaxation and serenity are not just aspirations but realities. Imagine stepping into your home and finding yourself enveloped by peace, removed from the chaos of the outside world.

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